Generate some data ...
using DataFrames, CategoricalArrays
using DataAPI: refarray

cs_df = let
	N = 100
	dummy_df = DataFrame(
		xxx = rand(N),
		yyy = rand(N),
		s_m  = rand(5:13, N),
		g_c  = rand(["c 1", "c 2", "c 3"], N) |> categorical,
		g_lx = rand(["lx 1", "lx 2", "lx 3"], N) |> categorical,
		g_m  = rand(["m 1", "m 2", "m 3"], N) |> categorical

	dummy_df[:,:s_c] = 2 .* rand(N) .+ refarray(dummy_df.g_lx)
using DataFrames, CategoricalArrays
using DataAPI: refarray

ts_df = let
	g_la = ["lay 1", "lay 2"]
	g_co = ["c 1", "c 2"]
	g_ls = ["ls 1", "ls 2", "ls 3"]

	ts_df = DataFrame(Iterators.product(g_la, g_co, g_ls))

	grps = [:g_la, :g_co, :g_ls]

	rename!(ts_df, grps)
	transform!(ts_df, grps .=> categorical, renamecols = false)

	transform!(ts_df, :g_co => (x -> refarray(x) .+ rand.())  => :s_co)
	transform!(ts_df, :s_co => ByRow(float) => :s_co)

	ts_df[:,:grp] = 1:size(ts_df, 1) |> categorical

	function rw_nt(T)
			rw = cumsum(randn(T))

			DataFrame([(t = t, v = v, grp = i) for (t, v) in enumerate(rw)])

	T = 100

	combine(groupby(ts_df, [grps; :s_co])) do sdf
		grp = sdf.grp[1]

using DataFrames

bar_tbl = (x = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3],
       height = 0.1:0.1:0.9,
       grp = "Group " .* string.([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]),
       grp1 = "grp " .* string.([1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2]),
       grp2 = "Grp " .* string.([1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1])

bar_df = DataFrame(bar_tbl)


This is how it looks.

using TabularMakie, CairoMakie

fig = lplot(Scatter, cs_df, :xxx, :yyy; color = :s_c, marker = :g_m,  markersize = :s_m, layout_wrap = :g_lx)
CairoScreen{Cairo.CairoSurfaceIOStream{UInt32}} with surface:
Cairo.CairoSurfaceIOStream{UInt32}(Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000008f8ed20, 600.0, 450.0, IOContext(IOStream(<file /home/runner/work/TabularMakie.jl/TabularMakie.jl/docs/build/fig_cs1.svg>)))


We can use the DataFrames.jl minilanguage to transform columns or rename them. You have the following options.

  • source_column => target_column_name
  • source_column => transformation
  • source_column => transformation => target_column_name

This is shown in the following example.

using CategoricalArrays: recode!

rec_1(x) = recode!(x, "m 1" => "Nice name", "m 2" => "Other")
rec_2(x) = recode!(x, "lx 1" => "Panel 1")
minus1(x) = x .- 1

fig = lplot(Scatter, cs_df,
	:xxx => minus1,
	:yyy => ByRow(x -> x + 1) => "the y plus one";
	color = :s_c => "hey there",
	marker = :g_m => rec_1 => "bla",
	markersize = :s_m => :tada,
	layout_wrap = :g_lx => rec_2
CairoScreen{Cairo.CairoSurfaceIOStream{UInt32}} with surface:
Cairo.CairoSurfaceIOStream{UInt32}(Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000006c87a20, 600.0, 450.0, IOContext(IOStream(<file /home/runner/work/TabularMakie.jl/TabularMakie.jl/docs/build/fig_cs2.svg>)))


using TabularMakie, CairoMakie

fig = lplot(Lines, ts_df,
		color = :g_co => "Buahh!",
		layout_x = :g_la,
		linestyle = :g_ls,
		linewidth = 2,
		legend_attr = (position = :left,)
CairoScreen{Cairo.CairoSurfaceIOStream{UInt32}} with surface:
Cairo.CairoSurfaceIOStream{UInt32}(Ptr{Nothing} @0x000000000af3be10, 600.0, 450.0, IOContext(IOStream(<file /home/runner/work/TabularMakie.jl/TabularMakie.jl/docs/build/fig_ts1.svg>)))


using TabularMakie, CairoMakie

fig = lplot(Lines, ts_df, :t, :v; color = :s_co, layout_y = :g_co, group = :grp )
CairoScreen{Cairo.CairoSurfaceIOStream{UInt32}} with surface:
Cairo.CairoSurfaceIOStream{UInt32}(Ptr{Nothing} @0x000000000b8a6220, 600.0, 450.0, IOContext(IOStream(<file /home/runner/work/TabularMakie.jl/TabularMakie.jl/docs/build/fig_ts2.svg>)))


using TabularMakie, CairoMakie

fig = lplot(BarPlot, bar_df,
	:x => "nice name for x",
	stack = :grp1,
	dodge = :grp2,
	color = :grp => " "
CairoScreen{Cairo.CairoSurfaceIOStream{UInt32}} with surface:
Cairo.CairoSurfaceIOStream{UInt32}(Ptr{Nothing} @0x000000000b6eb540, 600.0, 450.0, IOContext(IOStream(<file /home/runner/work/TabularMakie.jl/TabularMakie.jl/docs/build/fig_bar1.svg>)))
